School Council

School Council

The School Council of the French Arthur Rimbaud School is the body representing the first and second degree. It discusses the topics dealt with at the primary school council and the school council meetings where appropriate.

This school authority is competent for everything related to pedagogy and the educational life of the school, but can not replace the AEFE or the Management Board in their own fields.

It is within the School Council that are adopted:

  • the school project, which is the result of the joint reflection of the primary school council and the secondary school as well as the teaching teams.
  • the internal regulations of the establishment.
  • the calendar of the school year and the school schedules in the respect of the texts in force.

The council also issues an opinion on

  • proposals for the evolution of structures, class composition and pedagogical innovations, in coherence with the establishment project.
  • the job map of the staff of the establishment (creation, deletion, transformation of position (s)).
  • the program of extra-curricular activities.
  • the activities of other associations or clubs within the establishment, with temporary or conventional authorization of use of the premises.
  • the functioning and quality of school life, the conditions of hygiene, health, and safety, as well as the work to be done in these areas.
  • the issues of working conditions of the staff.
  • the use of the resources allocated during the presentation of the institution’s budget.

The council may, on its own initiative or at the request of the school head, give its opinion on all matters concerning the life of the school.

The composition of the School Council

The School Council is a tripartite body composed in equal numbers of ex-officio members: representatives of the administration, staff of the school, parents and students.